
By HESSE, Karen

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School Library Journal

Starred Review on August 1, 2012  |  Grades 5-up

Gr 7 Up—Radley Parker-Hughes has been volunteering in an orphanage in Haiti after the recent earthquake, but she returns home to a country in the grip of an even more chaotic situation. The American Political Party has assumed power, the president has been assassinated, and martial law prevails. Soldiers with guns at the airport, travel paper requirements-is this really the New Hampshire she left just a few months ago? And where are her parents, who are usually so prompt picking her up at the airport? Radley decides to get home any way she can, even though she will have to cross states lines, strictl...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2012

When news of the U.S. president's assassination reaches Radley (who's volunteering at a Haitian orphanage), she's desperate to get ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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