One Times Square: A Century of Change at the Crossroads of the World


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School Library Journal

Reviewed on August 1, 2012  |  Grades 5-up

Gr 5–8—Celebrating the rich history of Times Square, McKendry offers detailed information about the construction of the buildings and how the famous intersection has been a pivotal location for business, commerce, and tourism over the years. He discusses how different industries interacted and influenced one another and offers explanations of the high and low points over the years (for example, when the Great Depression brought construction to a standstill). It's interesting to see how things have evolved in the area, e.g., the electronic news scroll that...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on September 1, 2012

You are there at the birth, the decay, and the revival of Times Square, the “crossroads of the world” for a century. McKendry (Beneath the Streets of Boston, rev. 9/05) is an illustrator and a documentarian, with the know-how to supply technical construction drawings, to paint stirring double-page bleeds of the neon-lighted nightlife, and to draw s...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2012

McKendry (<i>Beneath the Streets of Boston</i>) documents the birth, decay, and revival of Times Square. There's no drama (the porn, prostitution...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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