Exploits of a Reluctant (But Extremely Goodlooking) Hero

By Fergus, Maureen

Publishers Summary:
Meet a teenage hero who likes nothing better than to sit back with a bucket of fried chicken and a girlie magazine, waiting for his family plumbing fortune to come to him. But when our hero gets into some serious trouble, he's forced to volunteer at a local soup kitchen where he finds himself at the center of a struggle between the rich and the poor, the selfish and the selfless. It is a worthy cause he could care less about until the day he stumbles across a shocking piece of information. What happens next surprises everybody, including our very reluctant hero... Exploits of a Reluctant (But Extremely Goodlooking) Hero is a novel of adventure, intrigue, Ukrainian dance lessons, disruptive horseplay, inappropr- iate ogling and some truly heroic consumption of junk food. Adrian Mole meets South Park in this often outrageous and always hilarious trip into the inner world of a boy teetering on the brink of manhood. 10 yrs+

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978-1-55453-024-3 978-1-55453-025-0
KCP Kids


School Library Journal

Reviewed on April 1, 2007

Gr 8-10 Fergus captures perfectly the voice of the unnamed 13-year-old narrator who is resolutely selfish and self-serving, prurient and rude, sarcastic and frequently indignant. With a penchant for girlie magazines and fried chicken, he is yearning for puberty and looking forward to Sex Ed class, since his father has not been much help in advising him. He expects the family business, House of Toilets, will someday bring him a fortune. His mother gives him a tape recorder in the hope that it will help him st...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on May 1, 2007

Like Adrian Mole, only exponentially more obnoxious, Fergus's unnamed, self-centered thirteen-year-old narrator obliviously plays the buffoon in his own audio diary. He's been directed by a guidance counselor to use a journal as a warehouse for his many inappropriate and insensitive observations, and his wickedly funny tape-recorded musings brim with misplaced bravado, as when he recounts puzzlement at failing to get on the good side of a teacher at his new scho...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2007

Fergus's unnamed self-centered thirteen-year-old narrator obliviously plays the buffoon in his own audio diary. His wickedly funny t...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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