
By Gravett, Emily

Publishers Summary:
WOLVESWhat do wolves really like to eat? It isn't little girls in red hoods.Rabbits shouldn't believe what they read in fairy tales,but this book has the facts.(This book follows the National Carroticulum.)

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Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing


School Library Journal

Reviewed on August 1, 2006

Gr 1-3 This imaginative, cleverly designed story unfolds in a delectable blend of spare text and eloquent multimedia illustrations. A textured welcome mat serves as background for title and publisher information, the pages feel somewhat scratchy, and the wolves are expressively drawn with charcoal pencil. In the story, Rabbit borrows "Wolves" by Emily Grrrabbit from the West Bucks Public Burrowing Library and leaves with his nose already stuck in the red book. His long, wavy ears ooze movem...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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