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Library Journal
Reviewed on November 15, 2012 | E-Originals
Despite the allusion to Dickens's famous pickpocket, Pratchett's Dodger is a tosher with a heroic soul, not one to shirk his obligations or play fast and loose with his loyalties. At the start of this alternate historical fiction, Dodger rescues a damsel in distress and it thus brought to the attent...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Magazine
Reviewed on October 1, 2012
Who would have the skill, the sensibility, and the sass to put Charles Dickens into a novel and then proceed to write that novel in full-octane Dickensian style? Terry Pratchett, of course. Like his namesake in Oliver Twist, Dodger is a street urchin (“if you wanted to be a successful urchin you needed to study how to urch”) who makes his way in early-Victorian London as a tosher, a sewer gleaner. One rainy ni...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Guide
Reviewed on January 1, 2012
In early-Victorian London, street urchin Dodger rescues a young woman who's being beaten up; a complicated plot is set in motio...Log In or Sign Up to Read More