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School Library Journal
Reviewed on August 1, 2015 | Middle To High Schoool
Gr 5–8—Levinson brings together the story of nine young people of different backgrounds, religions, races, and socioeconomic status who all share a common love—the circus. Circus Harmony in St. Louis, MO—a city known for its racial turbulence—is made up of both black and white and inner-city and suburban youth. Readers meet Kellin Quinn Hentoff-Killian, who has been around the circus since he was an infant and who mastered the art of juggling as a toddler while watching his older siblings. K...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Guide
Reviewed on January 1, 2015
Levinson presents two youth circuses: St. Louis (MO)'s Circus Harmony--specifically its elite squad, the St. Louis Arches--and Israel's Galilee C...Log In or Sign Up to Read More