Yitzi and the Giant Menorah

By UNGAR, Richard

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School Library Journal

Reviewed on October 1, 2016  |  December Holiday

K-Gr 2—This Hanukkah story takes place in the fabled Polish town of Chelm, a shtetl inhabited by Jewish residents whose logic and behavior are known to be a bit foolish. The mayor of nearby Lublin has given the town a menorah as large as a tree to light in the village square, and the Chelmites spend the first seven nights of Hanukkah attempting, and failing, to find a suitable way to express their gratitude. When Rifk...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on September 1, 2016

After the people of Chelm receive a giant menorah from the mayor of nearby Lublin, they spend Hanukkah seeking a way to thank him instead of celebrating. Since Chelm is famous in Jewish folklore for being a city of fools, the townspeople's plans never quite work out. ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on April 1, 2016

The people of Chelm (a city of fools) receive a giant menorah from a nearby mayor. The townspeople's plans to thank him never quite ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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