Search Results - ((Author:"Willems, Mo") AND publication:"Horn Book Magazine") AND Material:"Book"

24 results

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Knuffle BunnyJLG


Knuffle Bunny

A Cautionary Tale

by Willems, Mo

A trip to the laundromat leads to a momentous occasion when Trixie, too young to speak words, realizes that something important is missing and struggles to exp...

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Reviewed In:

Horn Book Magazine
School Library Journal

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!JLG


The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!

by Willems, Mo

Pigeon learns about sharing when a curious duckling keeps asking questions about the hot dog Pigeon has found.

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Reviewed In:

Horn Book Magazine
School Library Journal

Time to Pee!


Time to Pee!

by Willems, Mo

Sign-carrying mice give encouraging instructions for using the toilet.

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Reviewed In:

Horn Book Magazine
School Library Journal

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!


Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

by Willems, Mo

When the bus driver decides to take a break from driving, a wild and wacky pigeon pleads and begs to take his place, in a hilarious picture book that perfectly...

Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
Reviewed In:

Horn Book Magazine
School Library Journal


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