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      Search Results - (Author:"Wallace, Rich") AND grade:"12"

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      Losing Is Not an OptionJLG


      Losing Is Not an Option

      by Wallace, Rich

      Eleven episodes in the life of a young man, from sneaking into his tenth football game in a row with his best friend in sixth grade to running his last high sc...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal

      Playing without the ball


      Playing without the ball

      a novel in four quarters

      by Wallace, Rich

      Feeling abandoned by his parents, who have gone their separate ways and left him behind in a small Pennsylvania town, seventeen-year-old Jay finds hope for the...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Playing without the Ball


      Playing without the Ball

      A Novel in Four Quarters

      by Wallace, Rich

      Feeling abandoned by his parents, who have gone their separate ways and left him behind in a small Pennsylvania town, seventeen-year-old Jay finds hope for the...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Wrestling Sturbridge


      Wrestling Sturbridge

      by Wallace, Rich

      Stuck in a small town where no one ever leaves and relegated by his wrestling coach to sit on the bench while his best friend becomes state champion, Ben decid...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal


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