Search Results - Author:"Marrin, Albert"

33 results

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Empires Lost and Won


Empires Lost and Won

The Spanish Heritage in the Southwest

by Marrin, Albert

Discusses the history of the southwestern region of the United States from the sixteenth century to the Mexican War, examining the interactions between the Spa...

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School Library Journal

Plains Warrior


Plains Warrior

Chief Quanah Parker and the Comanches

by Marrin, Albert

Traces the life of the American Indian chief who led the Comanches in the battle and remained their leader on the reservation where he guided the people in acc...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Sea King


The Sea King

Sir Francis Drake and His Times

by Marrin, Albert

No Summary Available

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Virginia's General


Virginia's General

Robert E. Lee and the Civil War

by Marrin, Albert

No Summary Available

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Unconditional Surrender


Unconditional Surrender

U. S. Grant and the Civil War

by Marrin, Albert

An account of Grant's life and his role in the Civil War.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

America and Vietnam


America and Vietnam

The Elephant and the Tiger

by Marrin, Albert

Examines the political history, military events, social impact, and long-term effects of the Vietnam War.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars


Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars

by Marrin, Albert

Follows Napoleon Bonaparte from his origins as a lowly soldier to his rise to military power and his conquest of Europe.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Spanish-American War


The Spanish-American War

by Marrin, Albert

Describes the causes and events of the Spanish-American War and how it led to the involvement of the United States in the Philippine Insurrection.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal




by Marrin, Albert

An account of the life of the man who shaped the Soviet Union, from pre-revolutionary Russia to its evolution as a superpower and the descent of the "Iron Curt...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The war for independence


The war for independence

the story of the American Revolution

by Marrin, Albert

A detailed account of the Revolutionary War beginning with its origins in the French and Indian War.

Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
Reviewed In:

School Library Journal


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