Search Results - Author:"Selznick, Brian "

27 results

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Riding Freedom


Riding Freedom

by Ryan, Pam Munoz & Selznick, Brian

A fictionalized account of Charley (Charlotte) Parkhurst who ran away from an orphanage, posed as a boy, moved to California, and fooled everyone by her appear...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The boy who longed for a lift


The boy who longed for a lift

by Farber, Norma & Selznick, Brian

A boy gets tired of walking and accepts lifts from many sources, but the one from his father as he arrives home is the best.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Boy Who Longed for a Lift


The Boy Who Longed for a Lift

by Farber, Norma & Selznick, Brian

A boy gets tired of walking and accepts lifts from many sources, but the one from his father as he arrives home is the best.

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal




by Clements, Andrew & Selznick, Brian

When he decides to turn his fifth grade teacher's love of the dictionary around on her, clever Nick Allen invents a new word and begins a chain of events that ...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The robot king


The robot king

by Selznick, Brian

Two motherless children build a robot from odds and ends in their attic and, by using their mother's favorite belonging as its heart, bring the creation to lif...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Robot King


The Robot King

by Selznick, Brian

Two motherless children build a robot from odds and ends in their attic and, by using their mother's favorite belonging as its heart, bring the creation to lif...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Houdini Box


The Houdini Box

by Selznick, Brian

A chance encounter with Harry Houdini leaves a small boy in possession of a mysterious box--one that might hold the secrets to the greatest magic tricks ever p...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal


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