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Search Results - IssueDate:"2008-01-01" AND publication:"Horn Book Guide"
5132 results
The Fish Who Cried Wolfby Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, AxelTiddler the fish is always telling tall tales about why he is late for school, but when he is actually caught in a net and taken far from home, it is his stori... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Don't Bump the Glump!: and Other Fantasiesby SILVERSTEIN, Shel & SILVERSTEIN, Shel & SILVERSTEIN, Shel & and others.SILVERSTEIN, Shel |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Steve Jobsby Corrigan, Jim |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Mokie and Bik Go to Seaby Orr, Wendy & Bean, Jonathan J.Mokie and Bik live on a boat called Bullfrog. Now that their father has come home from the illy-ally-o, the twins are ready to take Bullfrog out to sea. First,... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
HELLS HOTELby Choyce, Lesley |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
WAR GAMESby Guest, Jacqueline |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Rapture of the DeepBeing an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Soldier, Sailor, Mermaid, Spy (Bloody Jack Adventures)by Meyer, L. A.On the very day that Jacky Faber is to wed her true love, she is kidnapped by British Naval Intelligence and forced to embark on yet another daring mission—t... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
War Gamesby Guest, Jacqueline |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Hell's Hotelby Choyce, Lesley |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
History of American Immigrationby Hammerschmidt, Peter A. |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |