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Search Results - grade:"4" AND grade:"6" AND publication:"Horn Book Magazine" AND jlg-selection:"No"
341 results
Growing PatternsFibonacci Numbers in Natureby Campbell, Sarah C.This title deals with the biggest mathematical mystery in nature - Fibonacci numbers! Named after a famous mathematician, the number pattern is simple: 1, 1, 2... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
This Means War!by Wittlinger, Ellen |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Dreamerby Ryan, Pam Muñoz |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Out of My Mindby Draper, Sharon M.Eleven-year-old Melody has a photographic memory. Her head is like a video camera that is always recording. Always. And there's no delete button. She's the sma... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Star in the Forestby Resau, LauraZitlally's family is undocumented, and her father has just been arrested for speeding and deported back to Mexico. As her family waits for him to return—they... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Poetreesby Florian, DouglasThis book is ripe with poetrees, They're grown to educate and please. You'll see a cedar. Oak tree too. Birch and banyan, Pine and yew. Palm and gum And willow... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Small Adventure of Popeye and Elvisby O'Connor, BarbaraNothing ever happens in Fayette, South Carolina. That’s what Popeye thinks, anyway. His whole life, everything has just been boring, boring, boring. But thin... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
CyberiaMonkey See, Monkey Don'tby Lynch, ChrisZane has made an enemy for life in the evil scientist Dr. Gristle. Not only is Gristle angry at the damage Zane has done to his reputation, but he’s also ext... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Doom Machineby Teague, MarkWhen a spaceship lands in Vern Hollow, Jack's hometown, he and his no-account inventor-uncle Bud are busy trying to fix a car driven by Dr. Shumway and her dau... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Champion of ChildrenThe Story of Janusz Korczakby Bogacki, TomekIn 1912, a well-known doctor and writer named Janusz Korczak designed an extraordinary orphanage for Jewish children in Warsaw, Poland. Believing that children... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |