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    Search Results - grade:"6" AND grade:"10" AND grade:"9" AND publication:"Horn Book Magazine" AND grade:"5" AND jlg-selection:"No"

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    The Tarantula Scientist


    The Tarantula Scientist

    by Montgomery, Sy

    Describes the research that Samuel Marshall and his students are doing on tarantulas, including the largest spider on earth, the Goliath birdeating tarantula.

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal




    A Photobiography of Wilbur and Orville Wright

    by Collins, Mary

    In 1899, efforts to develop a flying machine were making news all over Europe and the United States. These odd machines - and some were very odd indeed - were ...

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal


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