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    Search Results - jlg-selection:"Yes" 5 Years AND grade:"4" AND grade:"5" AND grade:"3" AND grade:"6"

    32 results

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    Little EagleJLG


    Little Eagle

    by Hong, Chen Jiang

    Little Eagle tells the story of a young boy who is orphaned and taken in by a kind old man. The story centers on the boy's discovery of his guardian's gift as ...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal
    Horn Book Guide

    Ryan and Jimmy and the Well in Africa That Brought Them TogetherJLG


    Ryan and Jimmy and the Well in Africa That Brought Them Together

    by Shoveller, Herb

    It costs a lot of money to build a well in Africa - a lot more than Ryan Hreljac had thought. Still, the six year old kept doing chores around his parents' hou...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    The Happiness of KatiJLG


    The Happiness of Kati

    by Vejjajiva, Jane

    With the impending death of her mother, Kati, a young Thai girl, completes the puzzle of her past and discovers the reason that her mother gave her up as a bab...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    Rich & Poor in Ancient Rome (Rich and Poor in)JLG


    Rich & Poor in Ancient Rome (Rich and Poor in)

    by Dargie, Richard

    Rome grew from a small settlement on the banks of the Tiber to become a great city, and eventually the capital of the greatest empire of the ancient world. The...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    The Miraculous Journey of Edward TulaneJLG


    The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

    by DiCamillo, Kate

    Edward Tulane, a cold-hearted and proud toy rabbit, loves only himself until he is separated from the little girl who adores him and travels across the country...

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    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal

    The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of IndependenceJLG


    The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of Independence

    by George, Judith St.

    In 1776 Thomas Jefferson put his quill to paper and the Declaration of Independence sprang to life. Follow the Declaration's journey over the next two centurie...

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    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal

    The Meanest Doll in the WorldJLG


    The Meanest Doll in the World

    by Martin, Ann M. & Godwin, Laura

    Annabelle and Tiffany, dolls who are best friends living in the Palmer house, have an adventure when they hide in Kate Palmer's backpack, are carried to school...

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    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal

    Strange Mr. SatieJLG


    Strange Mr. Satie

    by Anderson, M. T.

    Introduces the life of the French composer, Erik Satie, who spent his entire career challenging established conventions in music.

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    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal

    Harvesting HopeJLG


    Harvesting Hope

    The Story of Cesar Chavez

    by Krull, Kathleen

    A biography of Cesar Chavez, from age ten when helived happily with his family on their Arizona ranch, to age thirty-eight when he led a peaceful protest again...

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    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal

    Silent MovieJLG


    Silent Movie

    by Avi,

    In the early years of the twentieth century, a Swedish family encounters separation and other hardships upon immigrating to New York City until the son is cast...

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    Horn Book Magazine
    School Library Journal


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