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Search Results - (((((*) AND grade:"5") AND grade:"6") AND grade:"4") AND grade:"7") AND jlg-selection:"Yes"
302 results
One Crazy Summerby Williams-Garcia, Rita |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Wishing for Tomorrowby McKay, HilaryNothing is quite the same at Miss Minchin’s Select Seminary for Young Ladies since Sara Crewe went away with the Indian gentleman.Lavinia is once again the g... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
One Crazy Summerby Williams-Garcia, Rita |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Boys without Namesby Sheth, KashmiraFor eleven-year-old Gopal and his family, life in their rural Indian village is over: We stay, we starve, his baba has warned. With the darkness of night as co... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Northward to the Moonby Horvath, Polly |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Northward to the Moonby Horvath, Polly |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
One Crazy Summerby Williams-Garcia, RitaEleven-year-old Delphine has it together. Even though her mother, Cecile, abandoned her and her younger sisters, Vonetta and Fern, seven years ago. Even though... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Northward to the Moonby Horvath, PollyJane and her family have moved to Canada . . . but not for long. When her stepfather, Ned, is fired from his job as a high school French teacher (seems he does... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Calamity Jackby Hale, Shannon & Hale, DeanJack likes to think of himself as a criminal mastermind…with an unfortunate amount of bad luck. A schemer, plotter, planner, trickster, swindler...maybe even... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
A Whole Nother Storyby Soup, Dr Cuthbert & Timmins, Jeffrey StewartThe three Cheeseman children, their father, and their psychic dog are all on the run. From whom? Well the CIA, naturally. But also corporate agents #5, #29, an... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |