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Search Results - ((((*) AND grade:"12") AND Material:"Book") AND publication:"Library Journal") AND grade:"9"
89 results
World of a SlaveEncyclopedia of the Material Life of Slaves in the United Statesby Katz-Hyman, Martha B. & Rice, Kym S. |
Reviewed In:*Library Journal |
Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret OperationsAn Encyclopedia of American Espionageby Hastedt, Glenn P. |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |
The Civil WarA Visual Historyby Not Available |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |
Encyclopedia of Muslim-American Historyby Curtis, Edward E. IVMuslims have long played a central role in American history. Since the colonial period when an estimated 20,000 African Muslims were transported to America as ... |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |
Lewis & Clarkby Bertozzi, Nick |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |
SalvatoreTransports of Loveby DE CRÉCY, Nicolas |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Deliriumby Oliver, LaurenNinety-five days, and then I'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afr... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Rot & Ruinby Maberry, Jonathan |
Reviewed In:Booksmack! |
National Geographic Atlas of the World Oxford Atlas of the Worldby Not Available |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |
Encyclopedia of the VampireThe Living Dead in Myth, Legend, and Popular Cultureby Joshi, S.T. |
Reviewed In:Library Journal |