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      Search Results - ((((*) AND grade:"4") AND jlg-selection:"Yes") AND publication:"Horn Book Magazine") AND grade:"2"

      89 results

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      A Girl, a Boy, and Three RobbersJLG


      A Girl, a Boy, and Three Robbers

      by Gauthier, Gail

      Perfect humor for 2nd and 3rd graders. When Brandon has to go to HannahÂ’s house after school, she always gets to be the leader while he has to play her sid...

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Way Up and Over EverythingJLG


      Way Up and Over Everything

      by McGill, Alice

      In this retelling of a folktale, five Africans escape the horrors of slavery by simply disappearing into thin air.

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      *Horn Book Guide

      Basketball Bats Goof-Off GoalieJLG


      Basketball Bats Goof-Off Goalie

      by Hicks, Betty & Hicks, Betty

      No Summary Available

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Clementine's LetterJLG


      Clementine's Letter

      by Pennypacker, Sara

      While finding new vegetable names to call her little brother, eight-year-old Clementine hatches a plan to prevent her beloved teacher from being selected to go...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Elizabeth Leads the WayJLG


      Elizabeth Leads the Way

      Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote

      by Stone, Tanya Lee

      Elizabeth Cady Stanton stood up and fought for what she believed in. From an early age, she knew that women were not given rights equal to men. But rather than...

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      My Dad's a BirdmanJLG


      My Dad's a Birdman

      by Almond, David

      Join a young girl and her dad as they find their wings and take to the skies in a joyful, quirky, tender tale from a masterful author and illustrator.In a rain...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Silent MusicJLG


      Silent Music

      A Story of Baghdad

      by Rumford, James

      WHEN BOMBS BEGIN TO FALL, Ali drowns out the sould of war with a pen. Like other children living in Baghdad, Ali loves soccer, music and dancing, but most of a...

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      The Brook BookJLG


      The Brook Book

      Exploring the Smallest Streams

      by Arnosky, Jim

      Learn about water, rocks, aquatic insects, fish, amphibians, environmental issues, and more.

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      My Dog May Be a GeniusJLG


      My Dog May Be a Genius

      by Prelutsky, Jack

      Have you ever encountered an underwater marching band, a pig in a bathing suit, a pet orangutan, or a witch in a hardware store? Have you ever sat with a skunk...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Gimme Cracked Corn & I Will ShareJLG


      Gimme Cracked Corn & I Will Share

      by O'Malley, Kevin

      Chicken dreams about a treasure and sets off on a dangerous journey to find it.

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide


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