Search Results - (((*) AND grade:"5") AND grade:"4") AND publication:"Library Journal"

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The Hare and the Tortoise and Other Fables of La Fontaine


The Hare and the Tortoise and Other Fables of La Fontaine

by Bolt, Ranjit

These elegant humorous fables will keep children entertained while teaching them important lessons.For this collection, award-winning translator Ranjit Bolt ha...

Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
Reviewed In:

Horn Book Magazine
School Library Journal
Library Journal

My big sister is so bossy


My big sister is so bossy

she says you can't read this book

by Hershey, Mary Jane Lederach

Ten-year-old Effie is dealing with a lot of problems, including some missing money, losing her best friend, the death of her grandfather and more, and her mean...

Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
Reviewed In:

School Library Journal
Library Journal


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