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          Corporal Cannon: A Female Marine in Afghanistan


          Corporal Cannon: A Female Marine in Afghanistan

          by Cannon, Savannah

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal

          The Speckled Beauty: A Dog and His People, Lost and Found


          The Speckled Beauty: A Dog and His People, Lost and Found

          by Bragg, Rick & Chow, Kat & Copaken, Deborah & and others.Strong, Cecily

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal

          Hola Papi: How To Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons


          Hola Papi: How To Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons

          by Brammer, John Paul & Bratton, Bill & Peter Knobler & and others.Williams, Paula Stone

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          Library Journal

          Chasing History: A Kid in the Newsroom


          Chasing History: A Kid in the Newsroom

          by Bernstein, Carl & Broom, Brian & Foxx, Jamie & and others.Wilson, Casey

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal

          People Who Love To Eat Are Always the Best People: And Other Wisdom


          People Who Love To Eat Are Always the Best People: And Other Wisdom

          by Child, Julia & Rapinoe, Megan & Winspear, Jacqueline

          No Description Available

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal


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