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          Search Results - (((Author:"Natti, Susanna") AND grade:"4") AND publication:"School Library Journal") AND DateRange:"Older Than 5 Yrs"

          17 results

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          Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery


          Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery

          by Adler, David A. & Natti, Susanna

          Cam Jansen, with Eric at her side, helps solve the mystery of what happened to Mr. Day's tennis trophy.

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery


          Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery

          by Adler, David A. & Natti, Susanna

          On her first day of fifth grade, Cam Jansen uses her photographic memory to help the police find a car thief. Includes a memory game.

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Beany goes to campJLG


          Beany goes to camp

          by Wojciechowski, Susan & Natti, Susanna

          Beany definitely does not want to spend her summer vacation at camp, but she endures bugs and a bossy cabin-mate, finds a new friend, and has an okay time afte...

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Louise, Soccer Star?


          Louise, Soccer Star?

          by Krensky, Stephen & Natti, Susanna

          Louise has been practicing, planning, and even dreaming about this year's soccer season. So how can it be that, from the very first practice, she's thrown so c...

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Beany and the Dreaded WeddingJLG


          Beany and the Dreaded Wedding

          by Wojciechowski, Susan & Natti, Susanna

          Beany loves her cousin Amy but is worried about something going wrong if she agrees to be the flower girl in Amy's wedding.

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Cam Jansen and the Catnapping Mystery


          Cam Jansen and the Catnapping Mystery

          by Adler, David A. & Natti, Susanna

          While visiting Aunt Molly at a fancy downtown hotel, Cam uses her photographic memory to help one of the guests find her stolen luggage and pet cat, and to cat...

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Louise takes charge


          Louise takes charge

          by Krensky, Stephen & Natti, Susanna

          Louise enlists the aid of everyone in her class and together they outwit Jasper the bully.

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Louise Takes Charge


          Louise Takes Charge

          by Krensky, Stephen & Natti, Susanna

          Louise enlists the aid of everyone in her class and together they outwit Jasper the bully.

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          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Beany (Not Beanhead) and the Magic CrystalJLG


          Beany (Not Beanhead) and the Magic Crystal

          by Wojciechowski, Susan & Natti, Susanna

          Beany has a magic wishing crystal, but since it will grant only one wish, she holds it in reserve waiting for the perfect moment to use it.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Cam Jansen and the Ghostly MysteryCam Jansen and the Scary Snake Mystery


          Cam Jansen and the Ghostly MysteryCam Jansen and the Scary Snake Mystery

          by Adler, David A. & Natti, Susanna

          Cam uses her photographic memory to catch a thief disguised as a ghost.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal


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