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            Search Results - (((grade:"1" AND Material:"Book" AND grade:"5" AND grade:"2" AND grade:"3") AND jlg-selection:"No") AND starred:"Yes") AND DateRange:"Older Than 5 Yrs"

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            Handel, Who Knew What He Liked


            Handel, Who Knew What He Liked

            by Anderson, M. T.

            A man who would later compose some of the world's most beautiful music is shown as a stubborn little boy with a mind of his own.

            Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
            Reviewed In:

            Horn Book Magazine
            School Library Journal

            Awful Ogre's Awful Day


            Awful Ogre's Awful Day

            by Prelutsky, Jack

            In a series of poems, Awful Ogre rises, grooms himself, dances, pens a letter, and goes through other activities as the day passes.

            Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
            Reviewed In:

            Horn Book Magazine
            School Library Journal

            Larky Mavis


            Larky Mavis

            by Cole, Brock

            Having found a tiny baby in a peanut shell, Larky Mavis calls him Heart's Delight and carries him around as he grows bigger, to the confusion and anger of the ...

            Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
            Reviewed In:

            Horn Book Magazine
            School Library Journal

            Mysterious Thelonious


            Mysterious Thelonious

            by Raschka, Christopher

            Matches the tones of the diatonic scale to the values of the color wheel in presenting a portrait of the work of the Afro-American jazz musician and composer o...

            Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
            Reviewed In:

            School Library Journal


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