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        Search Results - ((Author:"Carrick, Donald") AND Material:"Book") AND grade:"2"

        6 results

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        In the Moonlight, Waiting


        In the Moonlight, Waiting

        by Carrick, Carol & Carrick, Donald

        In the spring during lambing time, a family wakes in the middle of the night to welcome Clover the sheep's new baby.

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Big old bones


        Big old bones

        a dinosaur tale

        by Carrick, Carol & Carrick, Donald

        Professor Potts discovers some big old bones and puts them together in various ways until he is satisfied he has discovered a dinosaur that once ruled the eart...

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Left behind


        Left behind

        by Carrick, Carol & Carrick, Donald

        Christopher gets lost on the subway during an excursion to the aquarium and is afraid he'll never be reunited with his class.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Ghost's hour, spook's hour


        Ghost's hour, spook's hour

        by Bunting, Eve & Carrick, Donald

        Scary incidents at midnight give Biff the dog and his master a frightening time but all turn out to have good explanations.

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Doctor Change


        Doctor Change

        by Cole, Joanna & Carrick, Donald

        A boy trapped in the service of a magician discovers his master's secret of changing shape and escapes from him three times with the aid of a maiden.

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Here I am, an only child


        Here I am, an only child

        by Shyer, Marlene Fanta & Carrick, Donald

        A child presents the pros and cons of being an only child.

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal


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