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    Search Results - ((Author:"Renier, Aaron") AND grade:"4") AND grade:"6"

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    The Unsinkable Walker Bean


    The Unsinkable Walker Bean

    by Renier, Aaron

    Walker Bean never wanted to be a high-seas pirate waging a pitched battle against the forces of the deep. It just worked out that way.Mild, meek, and a little ...

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    Reviewed In:

    *School Library Journal

    The adventures of Sir Givret the ShortJLG


    The adventures of Sir Givret the Short

    by Morris, Gerald L. & Renier, Aaron

    While not the most intrepid knight of the Round Table, Sir Givret the Short helps King Arthur and the other knights with his cunning and cleverness.

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal
    Horn Book Guide
    Junior Library Guild

    The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the GreatJLG


    The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great

    by Morris, Gerald L. & Renier, Aaron

    Relates tales of Sir Lancelot, the bravest knight in King Arthur's court.

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal
    Horn Book Guide


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