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      Search Results - (* AND DateRange:Last 5 Years AND DateRange:Last 6 Months) AND grade:"5"

      52 results

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      Half Spoon of Rice


      Half Spoon of Rice

      A Survival Story of the Cambodian Genocide

      by Smith, Icy

      No Summary Available

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      The time bookJLG


      The time book

      a brief history from lunar calendars to atomic clocks

      by Jenkins, Martin & Holland, Richard & Bolland, Richard

      This book explores what time means and how it has been measured, from the waggles of a honeybee to the workings of an atomic clock.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide
      Junior Library Guild

      Cars on Mars


      Cars on Mars

      Roving the Red Planet

      by Siy, Alexandra

      Follow the course of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers Mission. Learn how scientists determined that there was once water on Mars and how they resolved problems w...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Gilda Joyce


      Gilda Joyce

      The Dead Drop

      by Allison, Jennifer

      Almost-fifteen-year-old psychic investigator Gilda Joyce interns for the summer at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., and solves a mystery invol...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Remember Little Rock


      Remember Little Rock

      The Time, the People, the Stories

      by Walker, Paul Robert

      Just over 50 years ago, in Little Rock, Arkansas, nine brave black students stood up for their rights and made history. The integration of Central High School ...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide




      The Boy Who Risked His Life for Two Countries

      by McCully, Emily Arnold

      This is the true story of a determined and resourceful young man whose intimate knowledge of two cultures later led him to play an important role in the openin...

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide




      by Willard, Elizabeth Kimmel

      No Summary Available

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Mary Leaves Little House


      Mary Leaves Little House

      by Willard, Elizabeth Kimmel

      Mary IngalLs lost her sight after a devastating bout of scarlet fever. Now Mary has the opportunity to attend the Iowa College for the Blind, where she will ge...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Chancey of the Maury River


      Chancey of the Maury River

      by Amateau, Gigi

      After being abandoned, Chancey, an albino Appaloosa horse, finds a new home with Claire who needs him as much as he needs her, but as his eyesight deteriorates...

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      Reviewed In:

      Horn Book Magazine
      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      Edward's Eyes


      Edward's Eyes

      by MacLachlan, Patricia

      Jake is a part of an extraordinary family.He has a life filled with art, music, and long summer nights on the Cape. He has hours and days and months of basebal...

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide


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