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        Animal aha!


        Animal aha!

        thrilling discoveries in wildlife science

        by Swanson, Diane

        ANIMAL AHA! highlights a number of magnificent moments in animal science. Meet Alex, a chatterbox parrot who learned not just to mimic speech, but to communica...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Baby polar bear


        Baby polar bear

        by Lang, Aubrey & Lynch, Wayne

        Born at the beginning of the Arctic winter, a male and female polar bear stay in the den for a number of months before they are ready to venture out. But soon ...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide




        a promise of change

        by Mendell, David & Thomson, Sarah L.

        Barack obama captured America's attention when he delivered his renowned keynote address to the 2004 Democratic National Convention. By encouraging his followe...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide




        by Platt, Richard & Cappon, Manuela

        Recreates Roman life and the rise and fall of a great empire by tracing the history of a typical house in Pompeii as it thrives in this expanding new city unti...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide

        Giant Sea Reptiles of the Dinosaur Age


        Giant Sea Reptiles of the Dinosaur Age

        by Arnold, Caroline & Clarion,

        Examines the fossil bones of gigantic reptiles, such as the plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, from around the world to provide a comprehensive look at the life of the...

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        Reviewed In:

        Horn Book Magazine
        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide

        Staying safe at home


        Staying safe at home

        by Mattern, Joanne

        24 page photo and simple text books, now in paperback. Each book explains safety rules and procedures in plain language. Includes index, glossary, bibliography...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Staying safe on the street


        Staying safe on the street

        by Mattern, Joanne

        Explains safety rules and procedures in plain language. Includes index, glossary, bibliography and web sources. 5 yrs+

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Staying safe on my bike


        Staying safe on my bike

        by Mattern, Joanne

        24 page photo and simple text books, now in paperback. Each book explains safety rules and procedures in plain language. Includes index, glossary, bibliography...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Staying safe in the car


        Staying safe in the car

        by Mattern, Joanne

        Explains safety rules and procedures in plain language. Includes index, glossary, bibliography and web sources. 5 yrs+

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Staying safe on the street


        Staying safe on the street

        by Mattern, Joanne

        Explains safety rules and procedures in plain language. Includes index, glossary, bibliography and web sources. 5 yrs+

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal


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