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      Search Results - (* AND grade:"8" Than 5 Yrs AND grade:"6") AND grade:"7"

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      First lessons in ballet


      First lessons in ballet

      by Friedman, Lise & Schorer, Suki

      Photographs, captions, callouts, and text provide an interactive introduction to ballet, covering stretching, the five basic positions, and more complicated mo...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Trial by Ice


      Trial by Ice

      A Photobiography of Sir Ernest Shackleton

      by Kostyal, K. M. & Shackleton, Alexandra

      Traces the adventurous life of the South Pole explorer whose ship, the Endurance, was frozen in ice and crushed, leaving the captain and crew to fight for surv...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Dragon Bones and Dinosaur Eggs


      Dragon Bones and Dinosaur Eggs

      A Photobiography of Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews

      by Bausum, Ann

      A biography of the great explorer-adventurer, who discovered huge finds of dinosaur bones in Mongolia, pioneered modern paleontology field research, and became...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal




      Finding Out about the Properties of Light

      by Zubrowski, Bernie & Doty, Roy

      All kinds of games, sculptures, magical illusions with mirrors & flashlights. 50 experiments. Uses Imperial not Metric measurements. 8-12 yrs.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal




      by Cooney, Caroline B.

      YA. Horror. 12 yrs+

      Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal


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