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          42 results

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          Only the Rich Can Play: How Washington Works in the New Gilded Age


          Only the Rich Can Play: How Washington Works in the New Gilded Age

          by Wessel, David

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work


          The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work

          by Eeckhout, Jan

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success


          Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success

          by Friedman, Ron

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce


          Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce

          by Gerhardt, Megan & others

          No Description Available

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          The Sack of Detroit: General Motors, Its Enemies, and the End of American Enterprise


          The Sack of Detroit: General Motors, Its Enemies, and the End of American Enterprise

          by Whyte, Kenneth

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          How To Thrive in the Virtual Workplace: Simple and Effective Tips for Successful, Productive, and Empowered Remote Work


          How To Thrive in the Virtual Workplace: Simple and Effective Tips for Successful, Productive, and Empowered Remote Work

          by Glazer, Robert

          No Description Available

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          The Sack of Detroit: General Motors, Its Enemies, and the End of American Enterprise


          The Sack of Detroit: General Motors, Its Enemies, and the End of American Enterprise

          by Whyte, Kenneth

          No Description Available

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          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work


          The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work

          by Eeckhout, Jan

          No Description Available

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success


          Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success

          by Friedman, Ron

          No Description Available

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal

          Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce


          Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce

          by Gerhardt, Megan & others

          No Description Available

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          *Library Journal


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