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        Search Results - (Author:"Dahl, Michael" AND grade:"7" AND grade:"6" AND grade:"4") AND DateRange:"Older Than 5 Yrs"

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        A High School Musical Mystery (Vortex)

        by Dahl, Michael

        STARCUPS!, the Harrison Ford High School musical, is in danger. First, a huge light crashes down onstage, nearly hitting the director. Then part of the set fal...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal




        by Rollins, Barbara B. & Dahl, Michael

        Describes the science of ballistics, including the types of weapons and ammunition used in crimes, clues guns and bullets leave behind, techniques used by ball...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Cause of death


        Cause of death

        by Rollins, Barbara B. & Dahl, Michael

        Describes clues bodies leave behind about the cause of death, procedures for autopsies, and ways medical examiners form an opinion about how a death has occurr...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Blood evidence


        Blood evidence

        by Rollins, Barbara B. & Dahl, Michael

        Geared toward reluctant readers, a treasure trove of gruesomely specialized facts - the name of the chemical that makes faded bloodstains glow in the dark, lum...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Fingerprint evidence


        Fingerprint evidence

        by Rollins, Barbara B. & Dahl, Michael

        Describes the types and features of fingerprints and discusses the techniques used to take, develop, save, and compare fingerprints in order to solve crimes.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal


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