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          Search Results - (Author:"Glasser, Robin Preiss " AND Material:"Book" AND grade:"3") AND jlg-selection:"No"

          3 results

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          Fancy Nancy


          Fancy Nancy

          Explorer Extraordinaire!

          by O'Connor, Jane & Preiss-Glasser, Robin & Glasser, Robin Preiss

          Nancy and her friend Bree explore the fascinating world of birds and insects in their exclusive and glamorous Explorers Extraordinaire Club.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal
          Horn Book Guide

          Our 50 States


          Our 50 States

          A Family Adventure across America

          by Cheney, Lynne V. & Preiss-Glasser, Robin & Glasser, Robin Preiss

          "Each of the fifty states is represented by important people, ideas, and events in the history of the United States"--Provided by publisher.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Taking Care of Trouble


          Taking Care of Trouble

          by Graves, Bonnie B. & Glasser, Robin Preiss

          In this funny, fast-paced middle-grade novel, fifth-grader Joel wants nothing to do with babies. He's the only kid in Junior Adventurers who hasn't passed Emer...

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal


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