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        Search Results - (Author:"Preiss-Glasser, Robin" AND grade:"3") AND DateRange:"Older Than 5 Yrs"

        6 results

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        Fancy Nancy


        Fancy Nancy

        Explorer Extraordinaire!

        by O'Connor, Jane & Preiss-Glasser, Robin & Glasser, Robin Preiss

        Nancy and her friend Bree explore the fascinating world of birds and insects in their exclusive and glamorous Explorers Extraordinaire Club.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide

        Our 50 States


        Our 50 States

        A Family Adventure across America

        by Cheney, Lynne V. & Preiss-Glasser, Robin & Glasser, Robin Preiss

        "Each of the fifty states is represented by important people, ideas, and events in the history of the United States"--Provided by publisher.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        A Is for Abigail


        A Is for Abigail

        An Almanac of Amazing American Women

        by Cheney, Lynne V. & Preiss-Glasser, Robin

        Each letter of the alphabet is represented by an important woman in the history of the United States, as well as others in her same field of accomplishment.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal




        A Patriotic Primer

        by Cheney, Lynne V. & Preiss-Glasser, Robin

        Each letter of the alphabet is represented by important people, ideas, and events in the history of the United States.

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest


        Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest

        by Viorst, Judith & Preiss-Glasser, Robin

        Olivia, who is very neat and practically perfect, despairs because her sister Sophia is super-completely and totally the messiest person, no matter where she g...

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to MoveJLG


        Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move

        by Viorst, Judith & Preiss-Glasser, Robin

        Angry Alexander refuses to move away if it means having to leave his favorite friends and special places.

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal


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