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          Search Results - (Author:"Sklar, Jill") AND jlg-selection:"No"

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          The Five Gifts of Illness


          The Five Gifts of Illness

          A Reconsideration

          by Sklar, Jill

          A groundbreaking revelation of life after the diagnosis of a serious condition, The Five Gifts of Illness offers a community of empathy for the many millions o...

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal

          The First Year


          The First Year

          Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

          by Sklar, Jill & Sklar, Manuel

          When Jill Sklar was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1989, she quickly discovered the knowledge she sought—accessibly written medical information and guidance...

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal

          Eating for Acid Reflux


          Eating for Acid Reflux

          A Handbook and Cookbook for Those with Heartburn

          by Sklar, Jill & Cohen, Annabel

          Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) —a digestive condition characterized by the abnormal flow of gastric acid into the esophagus that can damage the fragile...

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          Reviewed In:

          Library Journal


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