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        Search Results - (Author:"Yolen, Jane" AND grade:"9" AND grade:"10") AND DateRange:"Older Than 5 Yrs"

        3 results

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        by Yolen, Jane

        A quirky, fast-paced urban fantasy by esteemed author Jane Yolen Aliera Carstairs just doesn’t fit in. She’s always front and center at the fencing studio,...

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        Reviewed In:

        Horn Book Magazine
        School Library Journal
        Horn Book Guide
        Junior Library Guild

        Troll Bridge


        Troll Bridge

        a rock 'n' roll fairy tale

        by Yolen, Jane & Stemple, Adam

        Sixteen-year-old harpist prodigy Moira is transported to a strange and mystical wilderness, where she finds herself in the middle of a deadly struggle between ...

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        Reviewed In:

        School Library Journal

        Girl in a CageJLG


        Girl in a Cage

        by Yolen, Jane & Harris, Robert J.

        As English armies invade Scotland in 1306, eleven-year-old Princess Marjorie, daughter of the newly crowned Scottish king, Robert the Bruce, is captured by Eng...

        Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
        Reviewed In:

        Horn Book Magazine
        School Library Journal


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