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Search Results - (grade:"4" AND grade:"6" AND jlg-selection:"No" AND publication:"School Library Journal" AND grade:"3") AND publication:"Horn Book Magazine"
121 results
Encyclopedia MythologicaDragons & Monstersby Reinhart, Matthew & Sabuda, Robert |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
What Happened on Fox Streetby Springstubb, Tricia |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Where the Mountain Meets the Moonby Lin, GraceIn the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. In the evenings, her father regales her with old folk... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
One Big RainPoems for Rainy Daysby Gray, Rita |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
For Good MeasureThe Ways We Say How Much, How Far, How Heavy, How Big, How Oldby Robbins, KenA bushel of facts and fabulous photographs make this 24 Karat informational book shine.The mile gets its name from the term mille passus, whichmeans a thousan... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Growing PatternsFibonacci Numbers in Natureby Campbell, Sarah C.This title deals with the biggest mathematical mystery in nature - Fibonacci numbers! Named after a famous mathematician, the number pattern is simple: 1, 1, 2... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Poetreesby Florian, DouglasThis book is ripe with poetrees, They're grown to educate and please. You'll see a cedar. Oak tree too. Birch and banyan, Pine and yew. Palm and gum And willow... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Small Adventure of Popeye and Elvisby O'Connor, BarbaraNothing ever happens in Fayette, South Carolina. That’s what Popeye thinks, anyway. His whole life, everything has just been boring, boring, boring. But thin... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Family Remindersby Danneberg, Julie |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Down Down DownA Journey to the Bottom of the Seaby Jenkins, SteveGoing down deep into the depths of the sea, this illustrated picture book provides a look at some of the unique inhabitants who call the ocean home, including ... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |