Search Results - * AND grade:"3" AND Material:"Book" AND starred:"Yes" AND grade:"6"

43 results

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Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear


Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear

by Namioka, Lensey & Kiefte, Kees de

Recently arrived in Seattle from China, musically untalented Yingtao is faced with giving a violin performance to attract new students for his father when he w...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Talking with Artists


Talking with Artists

by Cummings, Pat

Fourteen distinguished picture book artists talk about their early art experiences, answer questions most frequently asked by children, and offer encouragement...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Trojan Horse


The Trojan Horse

by Hutton, Warwick

A retelling of how the Greeks used a wooden horse to win the ten-year-long Trojan War.

Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
Reviewed In:

School Library Journal


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