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    Search Results - Author:"Bunting, Eve" AND grade:"1" AND publication:"School Library Journal"

    18 results

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    The BansheeJLG


    The Banshee

    by Bunting, Eve & McCully, Emily Arnold

    “SCREE . . . SCREE . . .” Terry is half asleep when he hears the wailing, rising and falling like the waves of the sea. He wishes it were a dream, but he k...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal
    Horn Book Guide
    Junior Library Guild




    by Bunting, Eve

    Eight-year old Alex is determined to keep the toy mouse he finds tied to a balloon, even after posters appear asking for its return, but when his dog Patch dis...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    Pop's Bridge


    Pop's Bridge

    by Bunting, Eve

    Robert and his friend Charlie are proud of their fathers, who are working on the construction of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    One Green Apple


    One Green Apple

    by Bunting, Eve & Lewin, Ted

    While on a school field trip to an orchard to make cider, a young immigrant named Farah gains self-confidence when the green apple she picks perfectly compleme...

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    That's What Leprechauns Do


    That's What Leprechauns Do

    by Bunting, Eve & McCully, Emily Arnold

    When leprechauns Ari, Boo, and Col need to place the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, they cannot help getting into mischief along the way.

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    One candleJLG


    One candle

    by Bunting, Eve & Popp, Wendy

    Every year a family celebrates Hanukkah by retelling the story of how Grandma and her sister managed to mark the day while in a German concentration camp.

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    One CandleJLG


    One Candle

    by Bunting, Eve & Popp, Wendy & Popp, K. Wendy

    Every year a family celebrates Hanukkah by retelling the story of how Grandma and her sister managed to mark the day while in a German concentration camp.

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal




    by Bunting, Eve & Ransome, James

    While helping their dad run Fred's Fall Color Tours in New England, Jim and Andy think the tourists are pretty silly; then one night the boys experience someth...

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    We Were There


    We Were There

    A Nativity Story

    by Bunting, Eve & Minor, Wendell

    A snake, scorpion, toad, bat, cockroach, spider, and rat tell how they witnessed the birth of the Christ Child.

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    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal

    A Picnic in OctoberJLG


    A Picnic in October

    by Bunting, Eve & Carpenter, Nancy

    A boy finally comes to understand why his grandmother insists that the family come to Ellis Island each year to celebrate Lady Liberty's birthday.

    Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
    Reviewed In:

    School Library Journal


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