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      Search Results - Author:"Durham, Lyn "

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      summer in the country, France, 1775

      by Greene, Jacqueline Dembar & Durham, Lyn

      In August, 1775, while spending a month on her cousin's farm in the French countryside, Marie takes care of her younger sisters, picks vegetables, and helps he...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal




      mystery at the Paris ballet, Paris, 1775

      by Greene, Jacqueline Dembar & Durham, Lyn

      Ten-year-old Marie has been given a rare opportunity to dance at the Paris Opéra, but her success is marred by the jealousy of her fellow-dancers and the pove...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal




      an invitation to dance, France, 1775

      by Kudlinski, Kathleen V. & Durham, Lyn

      Ten-year-old Marie dreams of becoming a ballerina, but without a wealthy sponsor, she faces a more mundane future dictated by her family's position in pre-Revo...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal


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