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        Search Results - Author:"Heidenry, John"

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        The Gashouse Gang


        The Gashouse Gang

        How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World SeriesÂand America's HeartÂDuring the Great Depression

        by Heidenry, John

        The definitive and rollicking story of one of the best, and one of the wackiest, teams of all time, during one of the most vital eras in baseball. With The Gas...

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        Reviewed In:

        Library Journal

        The boys who were left behind


        The boys who were left behind

        the 1944 World Series between the hapless St. Louis Browns and the legendary St. Louis Cardinals

        by Heidenry, John & Topel, Brett

        No Summary Available

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        Reviewed In:

        Library Journal

        What wild ecstasy


        What wild ecstasy

        the rise and fall of the sexual revolution

        by Heidenry, John

        "In many respects, the Sexual Revolution was the catalyst that set in motion social life as we know it at the end of the twentieth century. Yet many of us have...

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        Reviewed In:

        Library Journal


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