Search Results - Author:"Korman, Gordon"

45 results

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Something Fishy at Macdonald HallSomething Fishy at MacDonald Hall


Something Fishy at Macdonald HallSomething Fishy at MacDonald Hall

by Korman, Gordon

Just as the Headmaster of Macdonald Hall is on the verge of retirement, a wave of practical jokes hits the school, and roommates Bruno and Boots become prime s...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road?


Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road?

by Korman, Gordon

When Justin Zeckendorf is teamed up with two of the smartest girls in his fourth grade class for a good deed contest, his zany ideas almost cost them their cha...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

D-Poems of Jeremy Bloom


D-Poems of Jeremy Bloom

A Collection of Poems About School, Homework, and Life

by Korman, Gordon

No Summary Available

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

The Twinkie SquadJLG


The Twinkie Squad

by Korman, Gordon

Chaos spreads when Douglas, the most eccentric sixth grader in Thaddeus G. Little Middle School, joins the Twinkie Squad, a special counselling group for probl...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal

Don't Care High


Don't Care High

by Korman, Gordon

Paul's attempts to adjust to New York City life are thwarted at his high school, nicknamed Don't Care High, until his manipulation of a new Student Council pre...

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Reviewed In:

School Library Journal


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