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      Search Results - Author:"Mann, Elizabeth B."

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      Taj Mahal


      Taj Mahal

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Witschonke, Alan

      The Magnificent Mughals of India. Shah Jahan, ruler of India, murdered three of his brothers in his bloody rise to power. Yet when his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mah...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal
      Horn Book Guide

      The ParthenonJLG


      The Parthenon

      The Height of Greek Civilization (Wonders of the World Book)

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Lee, Yuan C.

      The story of an inspired building and an inspirational civilization. The Parthenon is more than a magnificent building. Every marble statue, every graceful col...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Empire State Building


      Empire State Building

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Witschonke, Alan

      Discusses the history, design, and construction of New York City's Empire State Building.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal




      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & McNeely, Tom

      During the first millennium AD, one of the world's great civilizations appeared in the dense jungles of Mesoamerica. All over the Yucatan Peninsula, the Maya m...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      Machu Picchu


      Machu Picchu

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Crehore, Amy

      Describes the history of the Inca civilization and the construction of the city of Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      The Roman Colosseum


      The Roman Colosseum

      by Racz, Michael & Mann, Elizabeth B.

      Describes the building of the Colosseum in ancient Rome, and tells how it was used.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      The Panama Canal


      The Panama Canal

      by Rangel, Fernando & Mann, Elizabeth B.

      Relates the history of how the Panama Canal was planned and built, including the political, international, and health aspects of getting the project finished o...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      The Great Wall


      The Great Wall

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Witschonke, Alan

      Examines the building of the Great Wall of China and the thousands of years of conflict that preceded it.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      The Great Pyramid


      The Great Pyramid

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Lo Turco, Laura & Turco, Laura Lo

      A history of the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza and the civilization that produced it.

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal

      The Brooklyn Bridge


      The Brooklyn Bridge

      by Mann, Elizabeth B. & Witschonke, Alan

      Describes the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, from its conception by John Roebling in 1852 through, after many setbacks, its final completion under the di...

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      Reviewed In:

      School Library Journal


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