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          Search Results - Author:"Simon, Seymour" AND jlg-selection:"Yes" AND Material:"Book"

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          by Simon, Seymour

          No Summary Available

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          Horn Book Magazine
          School Library Journal
          Horn Book Guide




          by Simon, Seymour

          An introduction to the physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle of different kinds of spiders.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          Horn Book Magazine
          School Library Journal





          by Simon, Seymour

          Explains new discoveries about the universe made possible by the Hubble Telescope.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          Horn Book Magazine
          School Library Journal

          Out of sightJLG


          Out of sight

          pictures of hidden worlds

          by Simon, Seymour

          Shows pictures of objects which are too small, too far away, or too fast to see without mechanical assistance such as microscopes, telescopes, X-rays, and othe...

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Out of SightJLG


          Out of Sight

          Pictures of Hidden Worlds

          by Simon, Seymour

          Shows pictures of objects which are too small, too far away, or too fast to see without mechanical assistance such as microscopes, telescopes, X-rays, and othe...

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal

          Icebergs and glaciersJLG


          Icebergs and glaciers

          by Simon, Seymour

          Discusses the formation, movement, and different types of glaciers and icebergs and describes their effect on the world around them.

          Not Rated. Be the first to rate this product!
          Reviewed In:

          School Library Journal


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