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Search Results - grade:"5" AND publication:"Horn Book Guide" AND grade:"4" AND grade:"8" AND grade:"3"
35 results
Ghost of a Chanceby Lente, Fred Van & Nolan, Graham |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Destructive Reentryby Lente, Fred Van & Cordeiro, James |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
The Simple Lifeby Lente, Fred Van & Sandoval, Rafa |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
A young dancer the life of an iley studentby Gladstone, Valerie & Ivey, Jose |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Eleanor, Quiet No Moreby Rappaport, DoreenEleanor Roosevelt was raised in a privileged but stern Victorian household, with an affectionate but mostly absent father and a critical mother who made fun of... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
Our White HouseLooking In, Looking Outby Not AvailableMore than one hundred leading authors and illustrators donate their talents to a collection of essays, personal accounts, historical fiction, and poetry which ... |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
The Book of Wizardsby Hague, MichaelAre you cunning enough to outwit an evil witch who wants to boil you alive? Are you brave enough to embark on a quest to defeat the dragon that terrorizes king... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Wild HorsesGalloping Through Timeby Halls, Kelly Milner & Hallett, MarkWild horses - not domesticated breeds - from all over the world are presented in this book, along with a close look at the prehistoric horse-like animals and s... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |
Lady LibertyA Biographyby Rappaport, Doreen |
Reviewed In:Horn Book Magazine |
An Artist's Americaby Albert, MichaelMeet Michael Albert, modern pop artist. In an effort to combine his art style with his recycling philosophy, he has created a signature line of artwork in whic... |
Reviewed In:School Library Journal |