
By LYGA, Barry

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978-0-316-12587-1 978-0-316-23499-3
Little, Brown


School Library Journal

Reviewed on March 1, 2013  |  Grades 5-up

Gr 9 Up—The Hat-Dog killer is on the loose in New York City, and Detective Hughes convinces 17-year-old Jazz Dent to fly in from Lobo's Nod and help solve the case. In I Hunt Killers (Little, Brown, 2012), Jazz helped police capture the Impressionist, a copy-cat killer mimicking the infamous sociopath, Billy Dent-Jazz's own father. In this episode, a series of murders in peaceful Brooklyn neighborhoods is occurring with gruesome similarities, including disemboweled victims who are als...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on April 1, 2013

In I Hunt Killers (rev. 5/12), Jasper Dent helped the police catch the Impressionist, a small-town copycat killer imitating the murders of notorious serial killer Billy Dent -- Jazz's "Dear Old Dad." Now an NYPD homicide detective requests Jazz's unique expertise for a new case. The Hat-Dog Killer's MO is so bizarre that the detectives are struggling to piece together a pro...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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