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School Library Journal
Reviewed on June 1, 2012 | Preschool to Grade 4
PreS-Gr 2—On the advice of her mother, a pale little vampire with tiny fangs and a black cape enrolls in an evening class at Madame Sang's Dance Studio. Although the rosy-cheeked ballerinas all dressed in pink are a bit startled by their new classmate, Vampirina does her best to fit in. Under Madame's watchful eye, the little girls learn to plié, relevé, and arabesque. Vampirina's mother tells her to follow Madame's instructions, to keep moving toward her goal, and to stay in ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Magazine
Reviewed on August 1, 2012
It’s a familiar story: a young girl begins dance lessons, works hard, perseveres through doubts and missteps, and eventually makes a successful debut performance. The twist here? She’s a young vampire, taking evening ballet classes. Aside from a few vampire-student-specific tips (watch the fangs; don’t trip on your cape when curtsying to Madame), Pace’s encouraging text reads like an advice book for any young dancer. P...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Guide
Reviewed on January 1, 2012
A young vampire begins dance lessons (at night), works hard, perseveres through doubts and missteps, and eventually makes a successful debut ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More