Violets Are Blue (Alex Cross)

By Patterson, James William & SANTIAGO-HUDSON, RUBEN & Hall, Michael N.

Publishers Summary:
Two joggers are found murdered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, and the killings are bizarrely reminiscent of a Washington, D.C. case that Alex Cross has been unable to solve. He is called to San Francisco, and then learns of similar murders in eight cities from Las Vegas to Charleston. Together with a female San Francisco detective, Cross plunges into a menacing world where posing explodes into bloodlust and frenzy, even as he is being stalked by a terrifying criminal who calls himself the Mastermind. James Patterson is at his most shocking and suspenseful best in a novel that will stun and satisfy his vast audience.

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Hachette Audio


Library Journal

Reviewed on June 15, 2001

When two murders in San Francisco recall a case in Washington, DC, that Alex Cr...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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