I'll Hold Your Hand So You Won't Fall

A Child's Guide To Parkinson's Disease

By Ali, Rasheda & Ali, Muhammad

Publishers Summary:
Inspired by her father's interaction with her children, Rasheda Ali wrote this book to address the most commonly asked questions from children who may not understand why their loved ones with Parkinson’s disease behave in certain ways. Written for adults to read to children, the book encourages dialogue through the use of colorful illustrations, situations depicting symptoms, and interactive questions. Medical facts are provided at the end of each page to help readers answer children's questions with greater ease and specific terms are explained in the margin on each page. I’ll Hold Your Hand So You Won’t Fall: A Child’s Guide to Parkinson’s Disease is essential reading for children and families/caregivers with children that have relatives or loved ones suffering from Parkinson’s.

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Merit Publishing International


School Library Journal

Reviewed on October 1, 2005

Gr 2-4 Ali's father, Muhammad Ali, suffers from Parkinson's disease, and she answers questions children may have about the illness. She demystifies some of the more obvious symptoms, like shaking, trouble walking, and slurred speech, and also explains more puzzling or unseen symptoms such as sleep disorders, depression, and -masked face, - in ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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