Mommy Loves Her Baby / Daddy Loves His Baby

By Morrow, Tara Jaye

Publishers Summary:
Compares the love Mommy and Daddy have for their baby to the things that various animals love to do.

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978-0-06029-077-1 978-0-06029-078-8


School Library Journal

Reviewed on July 1, 2003

PreS This delightfully sentimental concept book is perfect for sharing. Read one way, a mother's love for her child is likened to the way "fishies love the seas, like the monkeys love bananas and the squirrels love the trees." The animal comparisons continue with sliding penguins, giggling hyenas, roaring lions, peeping chicks, and more. When the book is reversed, the whimsical rhymes continue and listeners will hear how Dadd...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on May 1, 2003

Mommies and daddies love their babies as instinctively as monkeys love bananas and lions love to roar. And new parents are instinctively drawn to books that express that love, making the topic a perennial favorite. This one gives mom and dad equal time by flipping the text and pictures halfway though. The first half proclaims mommy's love ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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