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School Library Journal
Reviewed on January 1, 2004
Gr 4-7 A meticulously crafted novel about 11-year-old Gavin, whose beloved grandfather suffers a debilitating stroke. Set in a Scottish seaside town, the story is rich in imagery that centers on the sea: Gavin's father works on a big container ship, his grandfather builds exquisite model boats, and a seal-or possibly a selkie-plays a crucial role in Grandad's possible recovery. ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Magazine
Reviewed on January 1, 2004
An eminent writer takes a new tack: chronicling a stroke. Dad's a sailor, Mum and Gran work long hours, so Grandad is Gavin's caregiver. Companionably, the two fish and cook together in their Scottish seaside village. The stroke hits just as Grandad is finishing a beautifully crafted model trawler for Gavin's eleventh birthday (and just after a conversation the two have on the power of selkies); a month later, Grandad is so little improved that the hospital authorities threaten to halt ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More