Working with Emotional Intelligence

By Goleman, Daniel & Meza, Aaron

Publishers Summary:
Working With Emotional Intelligence takes the concepts from Daniel Goleman's bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, into the workplace. Business leaders and outstanding performers are not defined by their IQs or even their job skills, but by their "emotional intelligence": a set of competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings, interact, and communicate. Analyses done by dozens of experts in 500 corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide conclude that emotional intelligence is the barometer of excellence on virtually any job. This book explains what emotional intelligence is and why it counts more than IQ or expertise for excelling on the job. It details 12 personal competencies based on self-mastery (such as accurate self-assessment, self-control, initiative, and optimism) and 13 key relationship skills (such as service orientation, developing others, conflict management, and building bonds). Goleman includes many examples and anecdotes--from Fortune 500 companies to a nonprofit preschool--that show how these competencies lead to or thwart success. Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can keep growing--it continues to develop with life experiences. Understanding and raising your emotional intelligence is essential to your success and leadership potential. This book is an excellent resource for learning how to accomplish this. --Joan Price

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Macmillan Audio


Library Journal

Reviewed on April 1, 1999

Author Goleman now applies in the workplace the ideas in his prior best seller Emotional Intelligence (Bantam, 1995), contending that success and ability in a career cannot be determined solely by intelligence or other skills. Emotional traits making up "EI," and now played out in the corporate world in this follow-up, include self-awareness, motivati...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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