One Day a Year

1960 - 2000

By Wolf, Christa & Bangerter, Lowell A.

Publishers Summary:
"The rewards of reading Christa Wolf can be very considerable."-The Times Literary Supplement In 1960, East German writer Christa Wolf received a phone call from a Moscow newspaper asking if she would describe her experiences on a single day, September 27, "as precisely as possible." She was intrigued by the request and has continued recording her thoughts and feelings on that day ever since. This book collects forty of these intimate essays, written between 1960 and 2000. Wolf, one of the most important authors of the twentieth century, writes about the demands and rewards of being a wife and mother and contemplates national and global events during the course of that one day a year.

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Europa Editions


Library Journal

Reviewed on March 1, 2007

September 27 is in some ways a less-than-eventful day in history: it marks the release of the Warren Commission Report, the anniversary of the birth of Samuel Adams, and the premier ofThe Tonight Show . But to award-winning German literary critic, essayist, and novelist Wolf(The Quest for Christa T.) , September 27 of each year is when she pauses to write a journal entry...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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